Saturday, May 10, 2014

Finding the Answer to Online Bullying

     Online bullying is becoming an increasing problem in a world of continued technological advancements of communication. People are able to interact with one another online and create friendships solely online. The problem with communicating online is people think they are anonymous, and they can say whatever they want to others. Numerous people are struggling with their own personal problems everyday, and some of those people turn to the internet to extend their burdens onto other people in the form of cyber-bullying. Most of these online bullies are being punished on a zero tolerance basis nowadays. The problem I have with this format is the people that punish the bully don't ever look into the underlying causes for the bully's actions. Usually there are things that happened in the past of the bully that make them have negative feelings towards others causing the bullying to occur. Danah Boyd claims a punishment-oriented approach is not the right solution to the cyber-bullying problem. I kind of agree with her in the sense that punishment should not be the sole answer to the problem; however, unlike Boyd, I think punishment should still take place on bullies, otherwise the bully is going to think it is okay for him or her to be conducting this act again in the future. Furthermore, I think authorities should look deeper into the background of the offender to try and help the prevent them from doing any further bullying. Additionally, advisers at high schools should get trained in cyber-bullying so they can offer an avenue for students to go if they are ever getting harassed repeatedly. Steps should be provided to the student into how the problem can be solved. I believe the only way to solve this problem is for other parties to getting involved because it can be overwhelming for the victim to get out of the situation they have gotten stuck in.

1 comment:

  1. I also posted on this issue with the same mindset you used. I offered a positive punishment where children would have to respond by offering an act of kindness to those whom they've bullied, such as making them an apology card or offering to play a game with. It eliminates the negative forms of punishment which aren't productive.
